Sunday, August 31, 2008

Chester - old postcards in sepia

where to go?

Little pigeon in Cross Street

the Chester Castle
XIX-century clock

with Queen Victoria

Mario on the walls of Chester

us - Marta and Mario

one old man in Chester

traditional pub

surroundings of the Castle

a Tower

the Bridge

Mario relaxing and thinking of the future

a bus that can take you around Chester

me on the Roma walls

by the Dee River
ruins of the church

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm Jorge from dominican republic. I have a friend from poland and she wrote something on my facebook and i need someone to translate.Would you please do me the favor?

    Zdrowia, szczescia i pomyslnosci w nowym zyciu!!!

    my email is

    thanks and sorry to bother you!!!!!!!!!
