Sunday, September 14, 2008

Closer To the Nature in Heaton Park

When the days are inevitably becoming shorter and when you can feel this typical, cold puff of wind on your back, then you know that the Summer is almost finished and it's time to welcome Autumn...

...well, at least it is like that in Poland, where still, even though the meteorologists are talking about the global warming, there is a visible difference between seasons. Seems to me, that one can get the basic idea of the English seasons. So, take mentioned Summer, for instance - this year's 'sunny days' were rather cloudy and cold; some even claim Summer wasn't so ad here for some 80 years!

To make it even more clear, I need to say that my friend Paul from Liverpool claims, he had never seen so much rain in England like that we have now...Lucky him, I'd say, cause I had never seen so much rain in my entire life!!!

Anyhow, what bewitches the most in the Nature in North West of England is its diversity and amazing closeness to the main cities. That's why, not bothered by the 'worst sunny days ever in England', we decided to discover the claimed beauty of some of the closest to Manchester Nature's Reserves - The Heaton Park.

Łukasz, Sylwia, Karolina, Mario

Gorgeous it was, indeed!

If you're still wondering where to spend some of those trully sunny days that left before the autumn in England, visit Heaton Park, where the Nature is closer to you than you would expect living in the North West of England!

Take a look!

M&M waiting for the tram

and here we are...

Our happy team in Heaton Park


Mario amazed by the old tram

lonely tree

Mario, llama, Marta

Guinea Pig

Łukasz & Aga with their ice cream

you won't find anywhere the grass so green like that in North West

one rare view - blue sky above the Heaton Park

Łukasz in moves

us playing Frisbee

Mariusz :*

Agi :0) in my photo shot
go Mario, go!

M&M fighting for Frisbee

and now, who's the fastest?

saying good bye to the Heaton Park...

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