Monday, April 13, 2009

Winter White Madness in Sauze d'Oulx - One Unique Holiday

Now when the winter is finally over (at least this is what I hope for), it is finally a good time to review some of the most precious moments from Winter.

In this whole global warming, the worst thing that could happen to the winter sports' amateur is that there is no snow (God forbid!). Luckily, there are still places in the world, where you can enjoy pure beauty of mountain tops covered in snow. One of these oasis of winter is, as beauty as its name sounds, Sauze d'Oulx located around 1,5h last of ride North from Turin.

Finding my way through the slopes' map

Based at the end of the renowned Via Lattea (Milky Way), "Sauze" seemed like a winter heaven on the earth when we first hit the city in March this year. Just few hours of the trip by plane and bus was really worth the effort.

Stunning view!

7 of us, good friends, adventure eagers and skiing/snowboarding hungry passionates started our week of winter madness in a beautiful Assieta Hotel with a bit of.....sleep. Don't be surprised - before their championships, even the sportsmen do build their energy efforts.

Playing with the snow flakes

The next days were filled with all the 'white madness' one can possibly imagine done within some of the Sauze's 400 km of pistes. First shy and cautious moves were soon replaced with more proffessional and free-style ones (no-one injured though).

Feeling the respect to the mountain

Personally, I have experienced one of the most stunning views one can possibly imagine in their live. These mountains covered in snow and touched by the Sun rays do really take the breath away and leave you feeling priviliged to be able to discover them on your own.

Not a surprise, then that Sauze d'Oulx is so eagerly visited by whole families and groups of friends - the pises are mostly intermediate and easy for the first-timers, so proudly I can say that we all managed to overcome the initial 'fear' and some of us have even did the Olympic experience.

Now, you need to know that for an unexperienced skier, like myself, skiing straight from 2800 m high mountain from a steep like a wall slope, it really is much of an achievement and personall success. Try it yourself! Unforgetable experience!

Happy Three Friends - Lukas, Tung and Mario

Bum boarding

M&M and the Santa's Rudolph

We aslo soon discovered, Sauze d'Oulx is a mecca for thse who equally enjoy treats for their belly - restaurants here offer really tasty, Italian pastas and other dishes and, at least us, could not resist it (the results of that we now try to treat with some excercising and not-eating-bread) :-)

Night life won't let you down either - local pubs not only have great selection of music, food and drinks, but also have great English-alike we felt really like sitting in one of the Manchester's night pubs (with only difference that the next day we had 5 min to the nearest slope instead of few thousand kilometers).

Łukasz makes his moves

Overall - great fun and highly recommended place for whole the families, but also 'young and beautiful' ones (like us).

This is how one should enjoy one of the last remaining winters in this global warming world!

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