Saturday, October 18, 2008

The District is Ours! - Few Remarks About Visiting Poland

'The District is Ours!' informed a text somebody geneorously wrote on a road sign somewhere between Kraków (Cracov) and Rzeszów - my home city.

And the district was trully ours...ours because I wasn't traveling home alone that time. Poland has always surprised me - even though I am living there for 24 years now - all my life really - it can make you completely shocked and amazed. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but one can always be surprised here. And this is, what I think, make this country so worth comming back (visiting for the first time) all over again.

This is how it was this time, when I visited my country in October. One, accidentally met lady in an economic class of one of the cheap airlines, amazingly happened to tell me most of her private life, only for me to make a company to her in that brutal procedure of getting off and landing. It is amazing, I need to admit, how in moments of anxiety, and uncertainity Poles can really come together and help each other. I dare to say that we are in this even better than proud Americans or brave English.

Trully we can also make a new mates faster than anyone in this world! - after only 1 hour of waiting for my flight, during it and ater I met 4 fantastic people - all of them different from one another, every single one great and kind personality.

As a cup of coffee really tastes better while drinking in a company, I was being invited to have one with a young, skinny and tall gentleman, who happened to be in a British Army (curently, though, visiting his sister in Spain). This guy amazed me by his charisma and braveness. He really enjoyed thinking of war in Afganistan and his soon mission in this country! True respect to you, my friend.
But, since fear is just one of the human's items, he admited to me in a moment of openess, that he is a little scared to go there. 'Be brave! You're going to be fine' - I told him waving goodbye.

You heared about the lady in the plane I met - one lovely, but scared lady from Tarnobrzeg in the South-East of Poland. Through her, I met another two people - brother and sister who invited all of us to take a trip to our cities together....

And here is where the story about the district comes back - as we drove to Rzeszów, Tarnobrzeg and Biłgoraj, we made ourselves friends and realised that Poland trully is a nice and small place if we happened to have some of the same friends and even worked in the same place!

Poland once again has amazed me and you know what? - there really is no place like home!

Enjoy viiting my country :)
photo by: M. Sulka from

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